Thursday, 3 May 2012

How To Use Facebook On your mobile Without internet

Dial *325# or *fbk# in your phone. You will receive Facebook Menu. Now , enter your username and password.  fonetwish provides all the major features of facebook like status update, wall post, friend requests, notifications along with the above fonetwish provides push notifications an innovative new feature by which your facebook notifications are pushed into your mobile handset automatically as and when they are generated.
You can access with this 
  • Notification 
  • News Feed
  • Update Status
  • Wall Posts
  • Manage Friends
  • Chat
  • Birthday Reminder (Dial *325*76# )
How to Activate this service
To activate Facebook Without internet, First you have to verify your account and mobile number from going this link Click here.

Cost of this Service.
Updating your status is completely free, but using other features, such as posting on a wall, checking notifications, and adding friends is not free. Facebook by Fonetwish is a subscription service that charges Rs. 1/ day for unlimited usage.

How to subscribe or Unsubscribe.
Fonetwish will automatically ask you for subscriptions when you access the premium features of the service. We will send you an SMS with the subscription details. To unsubscribe, just dial*325*22# from your mobile.

There is character limit of 140 characters.Currently, This is live with Airtel, Aircel, Idea, Videocon, Loop mobile and Tata Docomo in India.Hope, it will be live with more operators in India in the near future.