The Recycle Bin is a great feature of Windows, but it is very difficult to customize the name.
Unlike other system icons on the desktop, you cannot just right-click it and select Rename.
The only way to rename the Recycle Bin is to hack the Registry. This is not as simple as the
method for the other icons, but you can easily get through it.To get started, let’s assume that
you want to rename the Recycle Bin as Trash Compactor:
1. Click the Start button and select Run.
2. Then type regedit in the box and click OK.
3. When the Registry Editor is started, you will want to expand the HKEY_CURRENT
_USER, Software, Microsoft,Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, CLSID, and
{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folders.
4. When you have expanded the last folder, you should see an entry called (Default) that
has no value. Right-click that entry and select Modify.
5. Next, just type Trash Compactor, or any other name, in the box and click OK. If
you want to hide the text under the Recycle Bin icon, you will still have to specify a
name. Instead of typing in a word, just click the spacebar once and then click OK.
You do not have to worry about entering in the ASCII code for a space when editing
the registry.
6. Close the Registry Editor and press F5 when viewing your desktop to see your changes.
If that does not work for your computer, then you will have to log out and log in to
activate the changes.
Now your Recycle Bin is no more. Hello Trash Compactor!
Have fun..
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